“Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live”
-Jim Rohn
A survey titled Physical activity levels of Indians by HealthifyMe, the domestic health and fitness app -- showed that 53 per cent of Indian women are “inactive” and burn less than 50 per cent of calories that a person should burn through physical activity, daily, as against 44 per cent of men.
It is no hidden secret that movement can add to our good health and help us lead a better and a more fit life. Recent studies have pointed out that only 30 minutes of exercise each day can boost one’s overall health and well being for a longer period of time.
1. Build and Strengthen Muscle
As you age, not only does your body have a harder time building muscle, it also tends to lose the muscle strength it already has.
Whatever your age, the benefits of maintaining and increasing muscle mass are plentiful. It’s a key part of staying fit in general, and can help with everything from improving bone density and preventing injury, to reducing your risk of certain diseases.
Increased muscle mass can also improve your endurance, which helps you torch more calories each time you work out.
2. Detoxifies your body and skin
We all love that natural post-workout glow. Well, regular exercise can actually work wonders for your skin, even after your beloved post-workout radiance fades.
This is because working out gets your heart pumping and increases circulation, giving your skin a good dose of oxygenated blood. Upping your blood flow helps to nourish your skin cells as your blood is carrying oxygen and nutrients to cells throughout your body, including your skin. This is one of the many reasons why exercise makes you look and feel vibrant, from the inside out.
3. Improves your Mental Health
Exercise is known to work wonders for mental health. It can help with everything from boosting mental clarity to relieving stress: an all-round mental health virtuoso so to speak.
You may have heard that when you work out, neurotransmitters called endorphins are released that act as a sort of feel-good painkiller. The amounts released vary with the type of exercise and intensity of workout you are doing.
On a basic psychological level, exercise is a tried and tested way to break the cycle of stress and worry. It helps you to relax your muscles, relieve tension, and enjoy a mental break from the cycles of negative thoughts that come with stress and anxiety.
4. Key to good sleep
The body repairs itself in many ways while you sleep, and a good sleep can do everything from enhancing your memory to decreasing bodily inflammation. The majority of human growth hormone (HGH) is released when you sleep, a hormone which plays a key role in growth, body composition, cell repair, metabolism and more.
5. Boost Your Immunity
Developing a better immune system is another amazing reward you can reap from regular exercise. Exercise is linked to immunity as it is part of an overall balanced lifestyle.
It may contribute even more directly to boosting immunity by promoting good circulation. This is because it allows the immune system’s cells and substances to ‘move through the body freely and do their job efficiently’.
Strengthening your immune system helps you to stave off the common cold, the flu, and even more serious, long-term health conditions more efficiently.
We've got some exercises for you to try at home!